We Find Solutions For Complex Division Of Assets
An equal division of assets is not always a fair division. The divorce laws in Massachusetts reflect that fact, which is why marital assets and debts are divided equitably — not necessarily evenly — during a divorce.
Because the division of assets and debts can be subjective, you need a family law attorney with experience and a keen understanding of the law to get a fair result. At the Law Offices of Sheara F. Friend, we have more than 60 years of combined legal experience to draw on. We look for solutions that will allow you to move forward into a future that is financially secure.
High-Asset Divorces
Not every asset is equally divided in a divorce. Often one of the most difficult parts of a divorce, particularly for high-asset couples, is determining exactly what is marital property that should be divided and what is excluded. We are highly experienced in the complicated issues of high-asset divorces and in how the courts might deal with premarital assets, business assets, inheritances and gifts, and we will aggressively defend your right to keep what is solely yours.
We Protect Your Financial Future
The court has great discretion in determining how and in what percentage to divide the marital estate. We recognize that each case is unique and therefore carefully consider the factors that the courts are known to consider, including the history of the marriage and future needs. We then present to the court a well-crafted and reasonable proposal based on the particular facts of your case. We take many factors into account, such as:
- Conduct during the marriage
- Attempts to conceal assets
- The fair market value of any business ventures
- The true value of stocks, bonds, insurance policies, pensions and trusts
- Each spouse’s earning ability and need
- The financial needs of dependent children
- Each party’s contribution toward the acquisition and preservation of assets
- The source of the assets
We offer our clients insight into each of these factors and how they may be considered by the court when it comes time to divide the marital estate. This insight allows us to negotiate settlements from a position of knowledge and strength.
To schedule your confidential consultation with one of our lawyers, please call 978-464-1071. We represent clients throughout Middlesex, Norfolk, Essex, Suffolk, Plymouth, Worcester, Bristol and Barnstable counties.